Songs → Palo Alto

Released as a b-side on the No Surprises single. This song was being written as early as February 1995 but was still a work in progress and appears as a Thom solo rough demo as well as a full-band rehearsal recording on the MiniDiscs.

Recording Chronology

    March - April 1996: On Tour

    May - July 1996: Ideas + Rehearsals

    Recordings → Silicon Valley {MD123}

    Rough demo. Thom solo, guitar and vocals. This demo incorporates a segment of Are You Someone into an early version of Palo Alto. Jonny appears to have been involved with writing the music in the Are You Someone section, and Thom momentarily stops in the middle to confirm that he is playing it correctly. Recorded on or before 20 March 1996.

    DiscsMD123 → Silicon Valley {MD123} <aka Palo Alto/Are You Someone>

    track # 1 @ 0m00s
    <edited for release>
    OK Minidisc
    track # 3 @ 1m44s


    Give me one of those days / When the sky is California blue / [?] it's alright / As I think [?] / I'm OK, how are you? / Thanks for asking, thanks for asking / I'm OK, how are you? / Well I hope you're OK too / [?] / I will move to California / And if [?] / I will [?] / [?] / [?] / (So where does the, the diminished thing go in?) / (Yeah. Yeah.) / (Is that the right one?) / (Yes.) / (That one.) / (C sharp.) / (No.) / (F sharp. [?] Is that one... that one's F sharp major. Then C sharp.) / [?] / [?] / Give me one of those days / When the sky is California blue / Now I'm OK, how are you? / Thanks for asking me / I'm OK, how are you? / Well I hope you're OK too / (The diminished thing should come in after that right there. After D. After that. Straight after D. Yeah D. There's D. Good. [?]) / (OK.) / (Hello?)

    Recordings → Silicon Valley {MD114}

    Full band rehearsal. Recording begins abruptly; the song's intro is slightly.

    DiscsMD114 → Silicon Valley {MD114} <aka Palo Alto>

    track # 30 @ 53m15s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 30 @ 53m27s


    Give me one of those days / When the sky is California blue / When the spin is in my step / And all I want to do is buy you presents / I'm OK, how are you? / Thanks for asking, how are you? / I'm OK, how are you? / Well I hope you're OK too / To the soft bit of the nose and your ear lobes / And into your toes / I'm OK, I'm alright / It's so beautiful tonight / I'm OK, how are you? / Thanks for asking, how are you? / I'm OK, how are you? / Well I hope you're OK too / Give me one of those days / When technology saved the day / Let us serve a sweet cake / I'll need icing and a plate / I'm OK, how are you? / Thanks for asking, thanks for asking / I'm OK, how are you? / Well I hope you're OK too