Songs → Paranoid Android
Released on OK Computer. The song was partially written prior to the time period covered by the MiniDiscs, but lacked an ending. Appears on the minidiscs in a variety of band rehearsal, soundcheck, and live performance recordings.
Recording Chronology
Older Recordings
March - April 1996: On Tour
April - May 1996: Ideas + Rehearsals
May - July 1996: Ideas + Rehearsals
- Paranoid Android M8 {take 1}
- Paranoid Android M8 {guitar riff}
- Paranoid Android M8 {take 2}
- Paranoid Android M8 {take 3}
- Paranoid Android M8 {take 4}
- Paranoid Android Outro {drums warmup}
- Paranoid Android Outro
- Paranoid Android {MD115 #1}
July - August 1996: On Tour
- Paranoid Android (Mansfield)
- Paranoid Android (East Rutherford)
- Paranoid Android {MD122 #1}
- Paranoid Android {MD122 #2}
- Paranoid Android {MD122 #3}
- Paranoid Android (Hershey)
- Paranoid Android (Pittsburgh)
Winter 1997: Mixing Sessions
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD115 #2}
Rough demo. Thom and Jonny. This is a monophonic recording that was dubbed to MiniDisc, likely from a dictaphone or similar cassette-based source. Only a couple of short fragments are included.
Assumed to predate the MiniDiscs, although it is possible that Thom used a cassette recorder available as a backup in case the MiniDisc was out of batteries or out of blank discs.
Discs → MD115 → Paranoid Android {MD115 #2 · part 1} †
Discs → MD115 → Paranoid Android {MD115 #2 · part 2} †
[?] / [?]
Recordings → 1/2 Paranoid Android?
A partial recording of an early version of Paranoid Android. Recording begins abruptly and continues until the band stops at the end of the "rain down" section. The middle eight is played entirely in 4/4.
Discs → MD124 → 1/2 Paranoid Android? *
[?] Can you remember? / Can't even remember my name / I'd like to [?] / Nobody does the same / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / Rain down, rain down, come on and rain down on them / From a great height, from a great height, height / Rain down, rain down, come on and rain down on them / From a great height, from a great height, height
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD111}
An early version recorded during soundcheck in March or April 1996. As in earlier versions, the middle eight is played entirely in 4/4. An ending to the song has not yet been written yet at this point.
Discs → MD111 → Paranoid Android {MD111} *
[?] is gone and all I think about is you / I watch you sleeping on, I want to sleep like you / What's there? What's there? / [?] into your eyes and all [?] / [?] into the edge of all I can / What's there? What's there? / [?] / Why don't you get yourself into something clean? / I know I -- / [?] / Why don't you remember my name? / You're always complaining, you're always complaining / Why don't you remember my name? / Well I fucking don't / Rain down, rain down, it's gonna rain down on you / From a great height, from a great height / Rain down, rain down, it's gonna rain down on you / From a great height, from a great hallelujah, hallelujah / (Oh, when will we ever get an end --)
Recordings → Paranoid Android (NY soundcheck)
An early version recorded during soundcheck in March or April 1996. As in earlier versions, the middle eight is played entirely in 4/4 and the song does not have an ending yet. Incomplete song, recording begins abruptly.
Discs → MD124 → Paranoid Android (NY soundcheck) *
[?] / What's that? / ([?], take down the kick drum please. And bring up the snare.) / [?] something [?] / [?] something real / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / [?] / Why don't you remember my name? / [?] / [?] / [?] / What a fucking joke / Rain down, rain down, it's gonna rain down on you / From a great height, from a great height, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down, it's gonna rain down on you / From a great height, from a great height / Rain / (Two.) / (It's gone out of tune.) / ([?]) / (Yeah, it's just like... it sounds as if it's coming... it's not --)
Recordings → 7/8 Session
Full band practicing the 7/8 middle eight of Paranoid Android. Previous recordings of the song had the middle eight played in 4/4. This seems to be the earliest available recording of the 7/8 version and sees the band struggling a bit to adjust to the new time signature.
Discs → MD113 → 7/8 Session {part 1} <aka Paranoid Android>
Discs → MD113 → 7/8 Session {part 2} <aka Paranoid Android>
Discs → MD113 → 7/8 Session {part 3} <aka Paranoid Android>
Discs → MD113 → 7/8 Session {part 4} <aka Paranoid Android>
(Certainly have to work on --)
Recordings → Paranoid Android M8 {take 1}
Full band rehearsal of the middle eight played in 7/8.
Discs → MD114 → <tape blip: Paranoid Android M8>
-- [?] --
Discs → MD114 → Paranoid Android M8 {take 1}
You don't / You don't remember, you don't remember (come on) / Remember my name / Yes I'm [?] / Why don't you remember my name? / (Something like that.) / (Yeah!)
Recordings → Paranoid Android M8 {guitar riff}
Full band rehearsal of the middle eight played in 7/8.
Discs → MD114 → Paranoid Android M8 {guitar riff}
(So, there's three now.) / (Right, so which one's [?] one?) / (Same as before.) / (There's three.) / (Yeah.) / (Yeah.) / (Yeah.) / (Yeah.) / ([?]) / (Yeah!) / (Yeah.) / (But I'm changing where the vocal is.) / (Alright, cool.) / (And it's... yeah.) / (Can we just... so we'll play the same --)
Recordings → Paranoid Android M8 {take 2}
Full band rehearsal of the middle eight played in 7/8.
Discs → MD114 → Paranoid Android M8 {take 2}
Ambition makes you look pretty ugly / [?] Gucci little piggies / From hell / Why won't you remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head, man, off with his head / Why won't you remember my name? / Yes I [?] / Rain / (That's brilliant.) / (That's better.) / (Yeah.) / (Isn't --)
Recordings → Paranoid Android M8 {take 3}
Full band rehearsal of the middle eight played in 7/8. Recording begins abruptly.
Discs → MD114 → Paranoid Android M8 {take 3}
-- piggies / From hell / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head, man, off with his head man / Why won't you remember my name? / From hell / Rain / Rain down / (Yeah. Yeah [?])
Recordings → Paranoid Android M8 {take 4}
Full band rehearsal, beginning partway through the middle eight and continuing until the end of the song.
Discs → MD114 → Paranoid Android M8 {take 4}
Rain down, rain down / Come on rain down on me / From a great height, from a great / Hallelujah, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down / Come on rain down on me / From a great height, from a great / Hallelujah, hallelujah / Hallelujah / ([?]) / ([?]) / ([?]) / (Bit of a break.)
Recordings → Paranoid Android Outro {drums warmup}
Full band rehearsal of the original Paranoid Android organ outro.
Discs → MD115 → Paranoid Android Outro {drums warmup}
(I dare you to get him from that.) / Rain down / (OK.) / (Go on, you can [?].) / Rain / (Go on then. Rain, rain, rain down.)
Recordings → Paranoid Android Outro
Full band rehearsal of the original Paranoid Android organ outro.
Discs → MD115 → Paranoid Android Outro
Rain down, rain down / Go on, rain down on me (Ed.) / From a great height, from a great / Hallelujah, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down / Come on, rain down on you / From a great height, from a great / Hallelujah, hallelujah / From a great height
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD115 #1}
Full band rehearsal of the complete song, with the updated 7/8 time signature during the middle eight as well as the original organ outro.
Discs → MD115 → Paranoid Android {MD115 #1}
Please could you stop the noise / I'm trying to get some rest / You chicken killers / [?] / What's that? What's that? / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? What's that? / [?] under the mattress / [?] Gucci little piggy / [?] you remember, won't you remember / Why won't you remember my name? / Off with his head man, off with his head man / Why won't you remember my name? / [?] / Rain down, rain down / Come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great / Hallelujah, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down / Come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great / Hallelujah, hallelujah / From a great height / From a great / Hallelujah, amen
Recordings → Paranoid Android (Mansfield)
Live performance. Recorded on 14 August 1996. Incomplete recording, cut at a couple points
Discs → MD121 → Paranoid Android (Mansfield) {part 1}
(That song's for people who think they're stars, and so is this. This is called Paranoid Android.) / Please could you stop the noise? I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that? / What's that? / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? / What's that? / Ambition makes you look very ugly / Squealing, kicking Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head man, off with his head man / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great hallelujah, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain--
Discs → MD121 → Paranoid Android (Mansfield) {part 2}
Discs → MD121 → Paranoid Android (Mansfield) {part 3}
From a great height, from a great hallelujah, amen / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
Recordings → Paranoid Android (East Rutherford)
Live performance. Recorded on 19 August 1996. This recording is split into two segments with a bit of silence between them, but contains the complete song and can be edited together into a continuous recording.
Discs → MD121 → Paranoid Android (East Rutherford) {part a} †
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that? / What's that? / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? / What's that? / Ambition makes you look very ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / If you're so important, if you're so important / Why don't ya remember my name? / Don't you remember? / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great, hallelujah, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great, hallelujah, hallelujah / (Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me) / From a great height, from a great, hallelujah, hallelujah / Amen / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
Discs → MD121 → Paranoid Android (East Rutherford) † ‡
Discs → MD121 → Paranoid Android (East Rutherford) {part b} †
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD122 #1}
Live performance. Recorded on an unknown date in August 1996.
Discs → MD122 → Paranoid Android {MD122 #1}
(We're here to practice, you see? It's just you happen to be here, that's all. This is called Paranoid Android.) / Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that? / What's that? / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? / What's that? / Ambition makes you look very ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head man, off with his head man / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great hallelujah, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great hallelujah, hallelujah / (Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me) / From a great height, from a great hallelujah, hallelujah / Amen / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD122 #2}
Live performance. Recorded on an unknown date in August 1996.
Discs → MD122 → Paranoid Android {MD122 #2} *
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that? / What's that? / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? / What's that? / Ambition makes you look very ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head man, off with his head man / [?] / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / (Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me) / From a great height, from a great, hallelujah, hallelujah / Amen / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD122 #3}
Live performance. Recorded on an unknown date in August 1996.
Discs → MD122 → Paranoid Android {MD122 #3}
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn kicking voices in my head / What's that? / What's that? / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? / What's that? / Ambition makes you look very ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / If you're so important, if you're so important / Why don't you remember my name? / Are you ignorant? / Are you ignorant? / Stupid? / [?] / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great, hallelujah, hallelujah / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great, hallelujah, hallelujah / (Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me) / From a great height, from a great, hallelujah, hallelujah / Amen / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
Recordings → Paranoid Android (Hershey)
Live performance. Recorded on 26 August 1996.
Discs → MD118 → Paranoid Android (Hershey) ‡
Discs → MD118 → Paranoid Android (Hershey)
Please could you stop the noise / I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that / What's that / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that / What's that / Ambition makes you look very ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / Here we go / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / [?] / Why don't you remember my name? / You dumb mother... / [?] / [?] / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / (Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me) / From a great height, from a great hallelujah, hallelujah / Amen / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
Recordings → Paranoid Android (Pittsburgh)
Live performance. An excerpt from this recording was included on the OKNOTOK white cassette. Recorded on 27 August 1996.
Discs → MD118 → Paranoid Android (Pittsburgh) <excerpt released on OKNOTOK>
(Song called Paranoid Android. If anyone's ever read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy they'll know what I mean. Thank you very much.) / Please could you stop the noise / I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that / What's that / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that / What's that / Ambition makes you look very ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggies / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Yes I'm important, yes I'm important / Why don't you remember my name? / I consider this a flagrant insult [?] / [?] / [?] / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / (Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me) / From a great height, from a great hallelujah, hallelujah / Amen / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD128}
Studio mix. This sounds like the final album mix of the song, but with extra dynamic compression.
Discs → MD125 → Paranoid Android {MD128} ‡ <finished mix with extra compression?>
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but not an android) / What's that (I may be paranoid, but not an android) / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android) / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android) / Ambition makes you look pretty ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head man, off with his head / Now why don't you remember my name? / I guess he does / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / That's it sir, you're leaving / The crackle of pigskin / The dust and the screaming / The yuppies networking / The panic, the vomit / The panic, the vomit / God loves his children / God loves his children, yeah
Discs → MD128 → Paranoid Android {MD128} † <finished mix with extra compression?>
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but not an android) / What's that (I may be paranoid, but not an android) / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android) / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android) / Ambition makes you look pretty ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head man, off with his head / Now why don't you remember my name? / I guess he does / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / That's it sir, you're leaving / The crackle of pigskin / The dust and the screaming / The yuppies networking / The panic, the vomit / The panic, the vomit / God loves his children / God loves his children, yeah
Recordings → Paranoid Android {MD126}
Studio mix. This seems to be the same as or very similar to the finished album version.
Discs → MD126 → Paranoid Android {MD126} † <finished mix without segue · released on Paranoid Android>
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest / From all the unborn chicken voices in my head / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but not an android) / What's that (I may be paranoid, but not an android) / When I am king you will be first against the wall / With your opinion which is of no consequence at all / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android) / What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android) / Ambition makes you look pretty ugly / Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy / You don't remember, you don't remember / Why don't you remember my name? / Off with his head man, off with his head / Now why don't you remember my name? / I guess he does / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / Rain down, rain down, oh come on, rain down on me / From a great height, from a great height, height / That's it sir, you're leaving / The crackle of pigskin / The dust and the screaming / The yuppies networking / The panic, the vomit / The panic, the vomit / God loves his children / God loves his children, yeah