Songs → Life In A Glasshouse

Released on Amnesiac. Appears on the MiniDiscs in various forms including rough demos by Thom, as part of a hybrid song with early versions of Exit Music, and as a full band rehearsal.

Recording Chronology

    Older Recordings

    March - April 1996: On Tour

    April - May 1996: Ideas + Rehearsals

    May - July 1996: Ideas + Rehearsals

    Recordings → Life In A Glasshouse {MD116}

    Rough demo. Thom solo guitar and vocals. This is a monophonic recording that was dubbed to MiniDisc, likely from a dictaphone or similar cassette-based source.

    Assumed to predate the MiniDiscs, although it is possible that Thom kept recording to cassette as a backup for use in case the MiniDisc was out of batteries or out of blank discs.

    DiscsMD116 → Life In A Glasshouse {MD116}

    track # 12 @ 14m18s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 12 @ 14m15s


    [?] / [?] / Looking for [?] / Stuck away / Stick around [?] / I could see / I can see for miles and everything / Everything still [?] / [?] / [?] above / Getting scared of looking / [?] / One of your positions / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / I'm already [?] / I want the truth / Did you really want to mess with you? / Did you really want [?] / Mess around / Did you really want to [?] / Did you really want to [?]

    Recordings → Poison

    Thom solo guitar and vocals, recorded during soundcheck on an unknown date during the spring 1996 tour.

    DiscsMD111 → Poison <aka Exit Music/Life In A Glasshouse>

    track # 1 @ 0m00s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 1 @ 0m00s


    Get, get away / I'm no good, I am poison / Leave, leave me be / Leave me be / There will come a time / You'll appreciate my rhyme / There's no tomorrow / No tomorrow / [?] around / And I'll see into you / [?] around / Living in a glass house / I can see / I know everything about you, dear / Living in a glass house / There

    Recordings → Poison Lake

    Rough demo, Thom solo guitar and vocals. Recorded on an unknown date after 17 April 1996.

    DiscsMD112 → Poison Lake <aka Exit Music/Life In A Glasshouse>

    track # 10 @ 15m47s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 10 @ 15m29s


    [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / And love is all I crave / [?] / For the chance to say / I know what / [?] / [?] / [?] / 'Cause I know what you're doing someday / Don't you see? / You're the best thing that could happen to me / [?] / I know you do / I know you really want to / I know you do / You just say you know / [?] / [?] / Into my bones / [?] / Now get on my back / A heart attack is all I'm craving / [?] / And I dress myself / I wash myself / I can't forget you [?] / Underground / All the time / 'Cause I get every [?] /

    Recordings → Life In A Glasshouse {MD119}

    Full band rehearsal. Very different arrangement featuring electric guitar and organ. Incomplete recording, 3 fragments that all begin and end abruptly.

    DiscsMD119 → Life In A Glasshouse {MD119 · part 1}

    track # 17 @ 35m23s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 17 @ 35m23s


    Want to chase / [?] / [?] / [?] / No one [?] / Why not something gonna happen here? / Living in a glass house / We'll forget / That it's happening / [?] / [?] situation [?] / Know the rest / Don't throw stones and don't [?] / Living in a glass house

    DiscsMD119 → Life In A Glasshouse {MD119 · part 2}

    track # 18 @ 36m35s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 18 @ 36m35s


    Well of course I'd like to sit around and chat / Well of course I'd like to sit here and chew the fat / But of course I'd like to sit around and chat / But the plants are going to die

    DiscsMD119 → Life In A Glasshouse {MD119 · part 3}

    track # 19 @ 37m35s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 19 @ 37m35s


    But of course I'd like to sit here and chew the fat / But of course I'd like to sit here and chew the fat / But [?]

    Recordings → Exit Music (#2)

    Rough demo. Thom solo, guitar and vocals. This is a refined version of the song based upon the full band rehearsals.

    DiscsMD119 → Exit Music (#2) <aka Life In A Glasshouse>

    track # 20 @ 37m57s
    OK Minidisc
    track # 20 @ 37m57s


    [?] / And a tape recorder / In the cold / [?] / All around / And you can't escape / Your body's found / Living in a glass house / You're a mess / But daddy's gonna come clean it up / Like he always does when you're... / No one cares / No one notices when you're not there / Living in a glass house / Well of course I'd like to sit around and chat / Well of course I'd like to stay and chew the fat / But of course I'd like to sit around and chat / But of course I'd like to stay and chew the fat / But something's breaking in / Breaking in / Breaking in / Breaking in