Songs → Airbag
Airbag was already fairly well developed prior to the beginning of the MiniDiscs, having been performed by Thom and Jonny in 1995 with only slight lyrical differences.
However, the arrangement had not previously been finalized, and its evolution from an acoustic guitar-driven track to its final album form can be heard in the performances and rehearsals throughout the MiniDiscs.
Recording Chronology
March - April 1996: On Tour
- Airbag (acoustic)
- Airbag (Toronto)
- Airbag {MD111}
- Airbag (DC soundcheck)
- Airbag (DC)
- Airbag (Philadelphia)
- Airbag (NY soundcheck)
April - May 1996: Ideas + Rehearsals
May - July 1996: Ideas + Rehearsals
- Airbag I
- Airbag II
- Airbag Intro
- Airbag Groove
- Airbag Ace!
- Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 1}
- Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 2}
- Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 3}
- Airbag 10.2 {take 1}
- Airbag 10.2 {take 2}
Winter 1997: Mixing Sessions
Recordings → Airbag (acoustic)
An early soundcheck version of Airbag, recorded on 3 April 1996 in Minneapolis. This performance immediately followed the Minneapolis soundcheck version of Lift and can be assembled together into a single continuous recording.
The arrangement is very different from its final form. Thom plays acoustic guitar. Drum and bass parts are entirely different. It sounds like Jonny switches from guitar to keys for just a moment in this version, but it is low in the mix.
Discs → MD111 → Airbag (acoustic)
(It's on tape, yeah?) / In the next world war / A jack-knifed juggernaut / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In the deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Discs → MD124 → Airbag (acoustic) ‡
(It's on tape, yeah?)
Recordings → Airbag (Toronto)
An early soundcheck version of Airbag, recorded on 6 April 1996 in Toronto.
The arrangement seems similar to the version recorded in Minneapolis a few days earlier.
Discs → MD111 → Airbag (Toronto) *
(Isn't up yet.) / (Is it rolling? Is it rolling?) / (Stop, stop, stop.) / ([?]) / (Christ. You two start.) / In the next world war / A jack-knifed juggernaut / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In the deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the u -- / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / (Could you give me a tiny bit less of his Fender Twin as well?)
Recordings → Airbag {MD111}
An early soundcheck version of the last minute and a half of Airbag. Recording begins abruptly.
Discs → MD111 → Airbag {MD111}
In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the u -- / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Recordings → Airbag (DC soundcheck)
An early soundcheck recording of Airbag, recorded on 10 April 1996.
The arrangement is very different from its final form. Thom plays acoustic guitar. Drum and bass parts are entirely different. It does not sound like Jonny plays any keys, both he and Ed play electric guitar throughout.
The recording cuts off abruptly before the end of the song.
Discs → MD124 → Airbag (DC soundcheck)
In the next world war / An angel at my door / I am born again / (A tiny bit less of acoustic.) / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a fast [?] / [?] / I am born again / In a fast German car / Scrolling at the end / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Recordings → Airbag (DC)
An early version of Airbag, this one recorded during a concert on 10 April 1996.
The arrangement seems the same as the DC soundcheck version recorded earlier in the day, with Thom on acoustic guitar and Jonny remaining on electric guitar throughout the whole song.
The beginning of the song is cut very slightly from the recording.
Discs → MD124 → Airbag (DC) *
In the next world war / An angel at my door / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / I am born again / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / (Thanks a lot.)
Recordings → Airbag (Philadelphia)
An early version of Airbag, recorded on 11 April 1996.
Slightly different arrangement than versions recorded the prior week, Jonny plays a fairly prominent keyboard part in the first half of the song.
Discs → MD124 → Airbag (Philadelphia) *
In the next world war / An angel at my door / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / (Thanks very much.)
Recordings → Airbag (NY soundcheck)
An early version of Airbag, recorded on 12 April 1996.
As with the recording of the previous day, Jonny plays keys in the first half of the song.
Discs → MD124 → Airbag (NY soundcheck) *
In the next world war / An angel at my door / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In the deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Recordings → Airbag {MD112}
An early rehearsal of Airbag.
The song's arrangement has been completely reworked since the versions from April's tour. Thom now plays electric guitar and Jonny remains on electric guitar throughout the entire song. This version has a new intro based around a riff that Thom played on acoustic guitar in the earlier versions, complemented by new drum patterns.
Recording begins with a short false start before the full song is played.
Discs → MD112 → Airbag {MD112} †
In the next world war / A jack-knifed juggernaut / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / I am born again / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a deep deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Recordings → Airbag I
A rehearsal of Airbag.
The intro is similar to the rehearsal recording found on MD112, but here it begins with guitars only. Drums and bass join halfway through the intro.
Discs → MD114 → Airbag I
In the next world war / A jack-knife juggernaut / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / I am born again / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Recordings → Airbag II
A rehearsal of Airbag. Similar to Airbag I, but with more restrained guitars during the 2nd verse.
Discs → MD114 → Airbag II ‡
Discs → MD114 → <tape blip: rewinding Airbag II>
Discs → MD114 → Airbag II
In the next world war / A jack-knife juggernaut / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / I am born again / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Recordings → Airbag Intro
A rehearsal of Airbag. Guitars only, slowed down tempo.
Despite the given title, this appears to be a rehearsal of the song's outro. However, this part is much closer to the song's intro in the final studio version than the intros used in any of the recordings on the MiniDiscs.
It seems that Thom may have labeled the tracks on this disc later, after the song's intro was finalized, or perhaps at the time of dubbing the rehearsal recordings onto minidisc he decided that this instrumental should become intro and labeled it accordingly.
Discs → MD117 → Airbag Intro
Recordings → Airbag Groove
A rehearsal of an alternate instrumental groove for Airbag. This new arrangement subsequently appears in the full-song recording "Airbag Ace!"
The recording begins abruptly (but at the beginning of a measure) and continues until Thom stops the band.
Discs → MD117 → <tape blip: Airbag Groove>
Discs → MD117 → Airbag Groove
(Wait, wait.)
Recordings → Airbag Ace!
An Airbag rehearsal, featuring an alternate riff developed from the track Airbag Groove. Especially prominent throughout the 2nd verse.
The intro has been updated yet again from previous recordings and no longer features drums.
Discs → MD117 → Airbag Ace!
In the next world war / An angel at my door / I am born again / In the neon sign / Scrolling up and down / I am born again / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In the deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In an interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / (Did you climb? Yeah.)
Recordings → Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 1}
A small fragment of Airbag, featuring drums, bass, tambourine, and guitar.
The band appears to be working on the drum and percussion arrangement.
Discs → MD120 → <tape blip: rewinding Airbag Drumming 10.1>
Discs → MD120 → Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 1}
Recordings → Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 2}
A small fragment of Airbag, featuring drums, bass, tambourine, and guitar.
The band appears to be working on the drum and percussion arrangement.
There are a number of fragmented Airbag clips in this section of MD120, so it is impossible to determine exactly which should be referred to as "Airbag Drumming 10.1" vs "Airbag 10.2." The titles have been assigned as a best guess.
Discs → MD120 → Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 2}
(That's good.) / (I like that.) / ([?]. Is it? Oh.)
Recordings → Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 3}
A small fragment of Airbag, featuring drums, bass, tambourine, guitar, and Thom beatboxing.
The band appears to be working on the drum and percussion arrangement.
There are a number of fragmented Airbag clips in this section of MD120, so it is impossible to determine exactly which should be referred to as "Airbag Drumming 10.1" vs "Airbag 10.2." The titles have been assigned as a best guess.
Discs → MD120 → Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 3 · part 1}
(That was good.)
Discs → MD120 → Airbag Drumming 10.1 {take 3 · part 2}
Recordings → Airbag 10.2 {take 1}
A small fragment of Airbag, featuring drums, bass, tambourine, and guitar.
The band appears to be working on the drum and percussion arrangement.
There are a number of fragmented Airbag clips in this section of MD120, so it is impossible to determine exactly which should be referred to as "Airbag Drumming 10.1" vs "Airbag 10.2." The titles have been assigned as a best guess.
Discs → MD120 → Airbag 10.2 {take 1 · part 1}
(Turn it down.)
Discs → MD120 → Airbag 10.2 {take 1 · part 2}
(-- gone so what?) / ([?], yes.) / ([?])
Recordings → Airbag 10.2 {take 2}
A very short fragment of Airbag, featuring drums, bass, and tambourine.
This clip repeats 4 times, which may indicate read errors while the MiniDisc contents were transferred to computer. The track on the original MiniDisc may have originally been a more complete recording than what was transferred, archived, and released.
Discs → MD120 → Airbag 10.2 {take 2} ‡
Discs → MD120 → Airbag 10.2 {take 2}
Discs → MD120 → Airbag 10.2 {take 2} ‡
Discs → MD120 → Airbag 10.2 {take 2} ‡
Recordings → Airbag {MD125}
Studio mix. The vocals seem to have a different reverb effect than the final album version, but overall this mix sounds very similar to the final album version with no major differences noted.
Discs → MD125 → Airbag {MD125} * <near-finished mix - different vocal reverb>
In the next world war / A jack-knifed juggernaut / I am born again / In a neon sign / Scrolling up and down / I am born again / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Discs → MD126 → Airbag {MD125} * † ‡ <near-finished mix - different vocal reverb>
In the next world war / A jack-knifed juggernaut / I am born again / In a neon sign / Scrolling up and down / I am born again / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / In a deep, deep sleep / Of the innocent / I am born again / In a fast German car / I'm amazed that I survived / An airbag saved my life / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe / An interstellar burst / I am back to save the universe
Discs → MD126 → <tape blip: Airbag>